Her Campus Bandana
Her Campus Bandana
hcxo.shop ships via USPS, which serves over 180 countries. Shipping costs are calculated in real time, taking into account the weight and size of your purchase in addition to its final destination. Any delivery estimates are provided by USPS and are based on if your order was shipping in that instant. hcxo.shop does not guarantee shipping or delivery dates. A number of factors outside of hcxo.shop’s control may cause carrier delays with your order, including but not limited to inclement weather anywhere along the shipment path. Once your order has left our warehouse, hcxo.shop has no control over how quickly it will arrive. For questions or concerns regarding your package’s location or estimated delivery date, we suggest contacting the carrier directly.
You will receive confirmation emails upon receipt of your order as well as when your order ships, which will contain tracking information. If there is a mistake with your order, please let us know ASAP. We will do everything we can to make it right, but once your order has been packaged for shipment we cannot make any changes. hcxo.shop is not responsible for package delays due to incorrect shipping addresses being provided at checkout.
While we ask that you please allow up to three business days (excluding weekends and American holidays) for your order to ship, we make every attempt to get orders shipped within 24 hours. We encourage you to ensure your order is correct before placing it, as we cannot guarantee that we will be able to make any changes.
Please note: If you are ordering a graduation cord, we recommend ordering early. However, if you are ordering a last-minute graduation cord, you should put your graduation date (in-hands date) in your order notes so that we can attempt to prioritize your shipment accordingly.
International customers, please note: the shipping charge upon checkout does not cover or include international customs, duties, or other such fees. Her Campus and hcxo.shop are not responsible for any additional charges that may be incurred once your order reaches your country, nor are we responsible for any delays caused by customs inspections. These fees are dependent upon your country of residence’s guidelines and Her Campus has no control over them or any delays in delivery that customs inspections may cause. You can contact your local customs office if you have questions regarding these fees.
Returns & Exchanges
Returns & Exchanges
We are dedicated to making sure you are nothing less than thrilled with your purchase. If your order arrives damaged or doesn't fit as you had expected, please email hello@hcxo.shop to discuss your options.
Customers are responsible for return shipping costs, but in the event of an exchange, we will cover the shipping cost of the new item. Please note that chapter stickers, personalized chapter merchandise, and clearance items marked "Final Sale" are not eligible for returns or exchanges.